Published: 05 September 2016
Skin care advice from our spa therapists
Mosaic Spa and Health Group currently operates more than a dozen Imagine Spas across the country. If there’s one thing our spa therapists know, it’s how important it is to care for our clients’ skin.
The skin is our body’s largest organ. Protecting us and constantly regenerating itself, it’s a truly remarkable first line of defence. From body wraps to body scrubs, massages to steam rooms, our Imagine Spas have top-notch facilities to care for the skin you’re in.

But how can you make the best of your skincare day-to-day? Our therapists have put together some easy tips and tricks so that you can look after your skin in between spa visits – simply read on!
Exfoliate your way to great skin
As well as removing dead skin cells, exfoliation stimulates blood circulation and aids skin renewal. At home you’re most likely to use a loofah, body brush, exfoliating gloves or even a rough towel. When you visit an Imagine Spa, our therapists use a range of enzymes or other natural ingredients such as salt peels. Whether you exfoliate at home or by visiting one of our professionals, lifting those layers of dead cells and grime is a great way to get the appearance of glowing, rejuvenated skin.
Avoid soap
This is probably the last thing you’d expect to hear about skincare, but it doesn’t mean avoid all soaps, simply those that could be doing more harm than good. Generally, bar soaps can be drying on the skin and as well as removing dirt they can strip off beneficial oils which your skin naturally produces. If used frequently, this can actually prompt your skin to create more oils to compensate, creating greasiness.
Good soaps to use contain milder cleansing agents. If your skin-type is sensitive, try natural home-made soaps such as gram flour or wheat flour mixed with a little milk or rose water.
Not too hot, not too long
Despite the appealing sound of a long, hot bath, they may actually be a bad way to care for our skin. As opposed to steaming hot water, moderately heated water is best at removing dirt from our pores and acts to re-energize the skin.
If you stay soaking for too long it may be causing your skin to dry out, as the water absorbs natural skin oils. You should be particularly careful in winter, when your skin tends to be at its driest. Speaking of which, let’s move on to…
After bathing or showering, you must moisturise to return the oils you have removed along with the dirt of the day. Moisturising is actually most effective after washing in warm water because your pores have opened and will absorb moisture faster than when it is dry.
Oil for radiant shine
For wonderfully smooth, glowing skin try adding olive, almond or coconut oil to your bath water or switch out one of your regular moisturisers for a body oil and apply with gentle, circular strokes. Oils are the ultimate trick to transforming tired or dry skin – any time you think your skin looks dull simply rub in some oils and hello radiant shine!
Take a leaf out of Russia’s book
It may sound pretty crazy, but a popular Russian spa practice after bathing is to roll in the snow or jump into an ice-cold pool! The idea is that the cold temperature helps close pores and tighten the skin. After your moisturiser has absorbed, try patting your skin with cold water to reproduce the effect and seal the product into your pores.
Remember, taking care of your skin isn’t only about the physical benefits. Allowing time to pamper yourself is important, as it gives you a space to relax, unwind and recuperate.
If you’d like to book a treatment at any of our Imagine Spas, please get in touch.
Published: 05 September 2016